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I figured it would be pretty empty this time of morning, and it was a Thursday after all and the younger kids wouldn’t be finished school for another week.I checked the weather and as I thought we were in store for a pretty warm day which is part of the reason I wanted to have my run early in the morning before it got too hot and then I could walk the trails later when it heated up. I packed myself a lunch, filled my thermos with cold lemonade and threw them in my packsack. I also grabbed a small blanket I could sit out on while I ate my lunch along with a good book I was in the middle of reading. Then I grabbed my hat and some sun lotion, put on my sneakers and loading everything in the car. It was a nice drive, not many vehicles were on the back roads to the park. I turned up the radio, humming and singing along to some good tunes playing while I drove.I was feeling good and my mood was getting better by the minute.I finally arrived and just as I figured there were only two cars in. ’Fritz smiled. ‘It helps to have contacts.’So it was agreed.Driving home, we speculated about the possible nature of Sophie’s fantasy without coming to any real conclusion. I asked Alan what he thought of her.‘Sexy. Very sexy.’‘Black knickers.’‘Yes.’‘Do they work for you on any woman?’‘Possibly not. But they certainly did on Sophie.’‘Would you have sex with her? If the situation arose?’‘I guess so. But it doesn’t seem likely, does it?’‘Who knows what Fritz has in mind after the opera.’‘True. But it’s very long opera.’This didn’t seem to be leading anywhere so I changed the subject. ‘You know what I’m wearing?’‘Of course.’He almost hit the car in front when I gave him a quick flash. I knew it wouldn’t be enough. We didn’t get as far as the bedroom. Alan steered me to the drawing room couch, sat on the floor in front of me and said, ‘Let me see.’It was a familiar ritual which I happily indulged, knowing that it always brought Alan to the hardest of erections and the fiercest of needs. I.
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